Spring Colors Jewelry on American West jewelry

Motherhood: Our Most Precious Story 

Motherhood: Our Most Precious Story.

Jewelry shared between women creates a special, unwritten story. This Mother’s Day, we invite you to add to you and your mother’s or daughter’s own unique history. A surprise for all the special women in your life, that will carry with it a lifetime of meaning. Fulfilling your dream of traveling to the Southwest, when you select a lasting gift of jewelry for them! 💓

Spring Jewelry Colors for Mother's Day on American West Jewelry

Mothers are strong women that are girls at heart! Still in love with pretty, sparkly things, as when they were babies. Cooing and reaching for their mother’s earrings. Perhaps their own mommas held them in their arms. Letting them play with long strands of silver beads and big cluster rings, amused by their inherent fascination. 👶🏼

Amazonite Jewelry at American West Jewelry

And perhaps those same little hands that were drawn to the mysterious objects of jewelry, grew into the hands of wise mothers. Skilled in the ways of nurturing, loving, forgiving and fixing. Perhaps those hands grew to define women. Who then passed on that secret feminine world to their own daughters. Handing down coveted rings, bold pendants and dramatic earrings — the objects that decorate the sacred Southwest spirit. 🌇

Black Agate and White Mop Exclusive Jewelry

Our jewelry is specially curated to allow you to gift her, from the greatest Mom of them all, Mother Earth. From the Sterling designs to the Gemstones, our everlasting jewelry is in reverence to what makes life possible. While flowers are nice, choosing the colorful genuine gems of Pink Rhodonite & Green Amazonite, will be appreciated by her! And, we know she likes to rock the Black Agate & White Mother of Pearl too, for the bold look of the West. We are excited to share them with you, our new Exclusive Jewelry, and yes you requested it and we delivered!  🤠

Amazonite Jewelry

Happy Mother's Day from your friends at
American West Jewelry by Carolyn Pollack 

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